Still life art painted in a blurry bokeh style - daisies in a jar

Bokeh-ful Still Life Paintings

Light is the most important consideration when I create a reference photo for my bokeh oil paintings. Typically the light comes from city lights at night, sparkles on water or the way trees filter light through their canopy. Low, late-in-the-day sun coming through our windows, backlighting flower arrangements struck me as having the same potential to create a stunning bokeh-ful image.

So I've been playing around and sure enough...

A camera setting which delivers a shallow depth of field has been a tool I've used for many years to take photos to 'remove' (blur away) distractions from the background of images. A tool I find particularly useful for 'hiding' mess, clutter and dust in photos taken in domestic settings. These still life bokeh paintings represent a way we can learn to look at and enjoy the beauty in our homes, without worrying over details that threaten to steal that joy.

Life's too short: enjoy the flowers.

These 2 paintings are the first of my Bokeh Still Life pieces. A jar of daisies and a jug of rhododendrons. Both are entered in the Southland Art Society's 'SQUARE' Exhibition, which is on now at Arts Murihiku's Whare Taupua, 34 Forth St, Invercargill. Open Tues-Fri 10am-5.30pm and Sat 10am-3pm.

Both pieces are 50cm square, framed and available for sale. Please contact me if either or both interest you.
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